Robotic orthoses
accessible to everyone

Millions of people worldwide cannot walk independently due to the aftermath of a stroke, neurological diseases, traumatic brain injuries, and many others.

Solutions exist, but their high cost makes them inaccessible, and their bulky size limits their use to large rehabilitation centers.

At Loutkar Robotics, we democratize access to robotic technology with light, accessible, and modular exomuscular medical devices, allowing people with lower limb disabilities to walk again, regain independence, and improve their quality of life.

Sonia Aladro

Sonia Aladro

CEO and Co-founder.

Social Worker.

Coordination of multidisciplinary teams for patient and family care at the Asturian Association of Multiple Sclerosis.

Experience in Social Services at the Oviedo City Council.

Team management for implementing the tax management software of the Principality of Asturias.

Contributes experience in team coordination and management, conflict resolution, and communication with public bodies and social and health entities.

David Hevia

David Hevia

Business Development and Co-founder.

Bachelors in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Biomedicine and Molecular Oncology from the University of Oviedo.

Co-founder and R&D advisor of Bioquochem Redox Technologies.

Member of the Biomet and Redox Biology research groups.

Experience at CSIC and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, USA).

Serial entrepreneur.

Provides guidance in the scientific-technical field and business development.


Francisco Pérez

CTO and Co-founder.

Industrial Engineer from the Higher School of Industrial Engineers of Gijón.

Over 20 years of experience in the private sector, developing and deploying innovative technological solutions with high added value.

Project director in the field of automation and robotics.

Business Angel.

Contributes technical, management, and financial knowledge.

Noel Gutiérrez

Technical Director and Co-founder.

Higher Technician in Development of Computer Applications.

Expert in robotic technology, author of several patents in this field, and extensive experience in electronics and 3D developments.

Brings experience in the field of robotics, contributing to expanding Loutkar Robotics' device catalog to address new pathologies.

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