
Our robotic orthoses and devices are applied in neurorehabilitation and accelerate the recovery of patients because they allow different combinations, adapted to each pathology of the locomotor apparatus.


Ankle orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to ankle movement.


Mobile application

Allows designing personalized therapies for each patient and analyzing the evolution of their rehabilitation, with data and metrics collected in each session
How does oRciTI work?
oRciTI is a robotic device designed to provide external support and active assistance to individuals with impaired motor function in the lower extremities. Here you can see how it changed our friend Pablo's life.
Ilustración de un teléfono móvil con el logo de loutkar


Hip orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to hip movement.


Femur orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to hip movement.



Ankle orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to ankle movement.

How does oRciTI work?

oRciTI is a robotic device designed to provide external support and active assistance to individuals with impaired motor function in the lower extremities.

Here you can see how it changed our friend Pablo's life.


Allows designing personalized therapies for each patient and analyzing the evolution of their rehabilitation, with data and metrics collected in each session
Ilustración de un teléfono móvil con el logo de loutkar


Hip orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to hip movement.



Femur orthosis

Motorized assistance system for walking that provides exomuscular support to hip movement.


Try it
for free

At Loutkar Robotics, your health is our priority, which is why we subject our devices to continuous innovation.

A fundamental part of that process is your user experience because through it, we identify your needs and provide solutions.

If you want to try them out completely for free and with no commitment, send a WhatsApp or fill out the form on our contact page.

Our robotic orthoses are transforming the field of motor neurorehabilitation by providing breakthroughs to improve recovery for people with physical disabilities due to stroke, spinal cord injury or neurodegenerative diseases.

Adapted to each patient:

Our orthoses are external devices that fit the patient's body and have robotic systems and sensors that help mobilise affected limbs. Their main purpose is to assist and guide movement, facilitating the repetition of correct movement patterns and improving neural plasticity, which is key in rehabilitation.

Featured applications:

One of the most prominent applications is in the treatment of hemiparesis, where the patient partially or completely loses mobility on one side of the body. Robotic orthoses can be adjusted to assist in flexion and extension of arms and legs, promoting specific movements that the patient cannot yet perform independently. Also, in spinal cord injuries, these devices allow standing and assisted walking exercises, improving muscle strength, balance and blood circulation.

Muscle activity sensors:

Loutkar's technological advances include the incorporation of sensors that monitor muscle activity and joint position, allowing real-time feedback and adapting to the individual capabilities of each patient.

Present and future:

The robotic orthoses designed by Loutkar represent a promising tool for neurorehabilitation, offering an effective and personalised therapeutic approach that maximises the chances of motor recovery in patients with neurological limitations.

We continue to work on new and promising developments that are close to becoming a reality, creating an idea of accessible robotics for everyone.

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